Why You Should Visit a Local Body Repair Shop Instead of a Chain

When making decisions about which body repair shop to patronize, you should put local body shops at the top of your list. “Going local” is the way to go for most types of services, and body repair shops are no exception. Here are some reasons why you should support your local small businesses instead of a chain.

You Get More Flexible Options

Local body shops typically offer more flexible and varied repair options than national shops. Chain body shops have strict guidelines to follow when it comes to what repairs they can do. In many cases, those options are limited. A local repair shop, on the other hand, has no such restrictions and can offer a wider range of repairs.

When you use a national auto body shop, you often have to wait for corporate approval before any “off the list” work can be done. National body shops must get permission before they do any extra work. This issue is completely eliminated when you work with a local business since they don’t have to follow the same requirements.

You Support the Local Economy

According to V12 Data, about 75% of auto repairs are done by an independent shop, and about 25% of repairs are done at the dealership. Many people choose to use a local provider because doing so supports and stimulates the local economy. If you like to champion small businesses in other areas of your life, then your choice of a repair shop should be no different. Getting work done by a national chain will often only benefit people in other locations instead of folks right in your own neighborhood.

You Invest in Your Community

The owners and workers of a local business have an actual attachment to the community in which their company resides. A national chain has no such connection. When you get car repairs from a local body repair shop, you’re supporting the livelihood of a neighbor and fellow community member. We live and work in Metairie, Louisiana just like you, and we have the same respect and appreciation for the area as any other resident. This allows us to provide compassionate service with a personalized touch.

If you’re ready to support your local body repair shop, give Clean Fleet Auto Body a call today. We’d love to do business with you!

The Most Common Auto Body Repairs

auto body repair
Broken Windshield from Car Accident; Shutterstock ID 1418110433; Purchase Order: Zeus

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your car. If you’re not sure what to do when something happens, you can pay a lot of money for auto body repair. According to the Dent Shop, the automobile collision repair industry is expected to reach $280 billion by 2024. Here are some of the most common auto body repairs that you may need.

1. Windshield Cracks

Windshield cracks are a typical consequence of vehicle collisions. These can also occur without any accident at all. You could be driving down the highway, and a small rock could hit your windshield, causing a crack. Or extreme temperature changes can cause existing chips to turn into cracks.

It’s important not to wait to get this fixed. The crack will only get worse and eventually obscure your vision while driving. It’s a safety hazard for you and others on the road. You can usually tell when you have a windshield crack because it will be visible to the naked eye. If you see a small chip, however, you may not be able to tell if it’s a crack or not. In that case, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and get it checked out.

2. Headlight and Taillight Issues

Another common problem is with headlights and taillights. You may get a crack in your headlight or taillight, or the entire light may fall out. This can happen for several reasons, but it’s most common when you hit something while driving, like a pothole.

If your taillight is out, other drivers may not be able to see you, which could result in an accident. It’s also illegal to drive without headlights or taillights, so you could get pulled over if you’re not careful.

3. Dents and Dings

Dents and dings are the most common type of damage that occurs to cars. These can be caused by anything from hail to flying debris on the road. Most dents and dings can be repaired with a simple dent pulling tool, but more severe cases may require the use of a body filler.

If you have a dent or ding in your car, it’s best to have it repaired as soon as possible. This will prevent the damage from spreading and becoming more difficult (and expensive) to repair.

Above are three of the most common auto body repairs. If you have any of these issues, get them resolved as soon as possible. Preventative maintenance is always the best way to avoid costly repairs, so be sure to check your car regularly for any potential issues. For more information on auto body repair call us today.